The Edmonton Metro Region is experiencing unprecedented and transformative growth. Such growth requires innovative ways of thinking and doing.

Join us for our inaugural flagship event, which will include a State of the Region address and a dynamic panel. Panellists will speak to how we can continue to chart a course for regional growth and competitiveness by creating the conditions to grow, attract, and retain talent in the Edmonton Metro Region.

Global competition for talent and investment is heating up and business as usual is simply not good enough. Taking a 360 view, our panelists will speak to what’s needed now and into the future to tackle challenges and seize opportunities related to labour market cultivation and retention, and what the consequences may be if the Region doesn’t get it right.

Pre-registration is underway, with public registration available in September.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Several sponsorship opportunities are available.

Please contact for more information.

Thumbnail StateOfTheRegion SponsorshipPackage

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