Responsible growth is smart growth.


Responsible growth is a core feature of Re-imagine. Plan. Build.

The Regional Evaluation Framework is how we prioritize sustainable and affordable growth, and how we ensure that as a Region our communities are climate resilient and environmentally sustainable for generations.  

Our growth plan puts clear goal posts in the ground. Collectively, the Board has committed to responsible growth of the Region that moves us beyond the status quo pattern of growth. The Board recognized that our future hinges on smart and sustainable growth focused on contiguous development, density targets, and integrated land use that reduces strain on future citizens. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


The Regional Evaluation Framework (REF) is our primary tool to implement the Re-imagine. Plan. Build. 


The REF provides certainty to municipalities as they grow. By aligning land use in a way that supports the growth of employment areas and transit-oriented development, protects natural areas, and encourages a more compact development footprint, the Region can grow responsibly and sustainably, and minimize the costs associated with growth. 


The Regional Evaluation Framework is
our tool to create complete communities.


⦿ Regional Evaluation
Framework Review Process.

Through the Regional Evaluation Framework, the Board reviews new statutory plans and regionally significant statutory plan amendments to ensure local planning decisions are coordinated and consistent with our 30-year vision for the growth of the Region.



To access archived Regional Evaluation Framework recommendations, please contact:

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.